MRCOG Part 1 & 2 Exam Preparation
PassMRCOG key features

  • Thousands of high quality questions
  • Detailed explanations
  • Visually rich content
  • Embedded media links
  • Mapped to the RCOG syllabus
  • Customisable textbook
  • Unlimited timed practice tests
  • Performance tracking

MRCOG Part 1 Questions
MRCOG Part 1

Over 1000 Single Best Answer questions designed to cover the RCOG curriclum & get you through the MRCOG part 1

MRCOG Part 2 Questions
MRCOG Part 2

Over 1000 Single Best Answer (SBA) and extended matching questions (EMQ) based on themes from previous exams

Enhanced learning environment
Rich feature set

PassMRCOG uses a rich feature set to optimise knowledge retention. With PassMRCOG our textbook feature allows doctors to add their own annotations and revision notes for a personalised learning experience. Questions often feature embedded links to authoritative reference material and high quality external learning resources. Doctors can also carry out timed tests and simulate the time pressures of the real exam.

MRCOG question bank mobile app

MRCOG question bank enhanced learning with illustrations

Visually rich content
Enhanced learning stimulation

At PassMRCOG we believe rich visual content stimulates active learning and improves knowledge retention. Our learning content utilizes both passive and active learning strategies to appeal to all learning styles. Our teaching notes feature multiple illustrations, diagrams, tables and highlighted concepts designed to boost stimulation and enhance knowledge retention.

Optimised for mobile
MRCOG revision on the move

PassMRCOG has been designed and built on mobile first principles. Our site is optimised for peak performance across all sizes of device. PassMRCOG is a progressive web application (PWA) and can be installed onto your mobile device or desktop. We believe all our doctors should enjoy a great user experience whilst working towards passing their exams.

MRCOG question bank mobile app

PassMRCOG performance histogram showing doctors how they are performing in the MRCOG question bank compared to other users

Performance analytics
Compare yourself with your peers

With our powerful performance analytics you can benchmark your performance against your peers. Know how your revision is progressing and be confident that you are ready to pass the exam

Unlimited timed tests
Create multiple mock MRCOG exams

Timed-tests let you re-create the time pressure of the real exam. Set the number of questions you wish to answer and the time limit you want to allow yourself. Your all set to recreate the time pressure of the real exam.

For more video tours of PassMRCOG take a look at our youtube channel by clicking the link on the footer below.